backdate minecraft to 1.0.0 mac

How to Downgrade Minecraft 1.5.2 to 1.5.1 (Win7) - Repeat in a loop.
[General] How to "Downgrade" Minecraft {6/2/2011} - Minecraft Forum.
Jan 12, 2012. As the resident Minecraft player here at Inside Gaming, I feel it's my duty to inform you. How can I downgrade back to 1.0.0? (For Mac). you must first have the old.jar file, just search for minecraft 1.0.0.jar file. then find the.
MultiMC - Manage multiple instances of Minecraft Seamlessly. 6:09 5,741 views . How To Downgrade Minecraft 1.0.0 To 1.8.1. Downgrade Minecraft - Mac.
backdate minecraft to 1.0.0 mac
Downgrade to 1.0.0 [Archive] - - Graal Online.Beta 1.0.0. - First Release! .. You can install this mod in any minecraft.jar version that you want! Be sure to use a fresh minecraft.jar! If you install this mod, the mod itself will downgrade your minecraft.jar automatically to 1.2.5!
[ALL] [Forge] [RPG] - The Legend of Notch: Reincarnation - BETA 1.
[Archive] Downgrade to 1.0.0 Gaming.. Do you just rename this to Minecraft.jar and place it in your.minecraft bin. It's.exe sorry mac guys.
For those who updated Minecraft without making back-ups of the minecraft.jar. Heads up, this is really really simple, for both Windows users and Mac users, got it? .. Here's a video on how to downgrade to 1.0.0 from 1.1.
You can back date minecraft to any version with this mod:. compatible with Minecraft 1.0.0, but it will work on a Mac (i'm typing this on a Mac).
Im currently running 1.1 on MAC OSX LION, but the …. But you can also just google 'Backdate Minecraft 1.0.0' and it should come up with.
TheEthan588's channel - YouTube.
How to run an earlier version of minecraft? - Yahoo! Answers.
How to Revert Back to Previous versions of Minecraft (works for 1.4.7).