us country code for cell phones

How to call Afghanistan: country code, area codes, phone books.
us country code for cell phones
How to call Kuwait: country code, area codes, phone books.
How to call Cuba: country code, area codes, phone books.
us country code for cell phones
Whats the dialing code to call a USA cell phone number? - Yahoo.How to call Austria: country code, area codes, phone books.
011 - US exit code; dial first for international calls made from the USA or Canada; 46 - Country Code for Sweden; phone number: fixed - 7 to 9 digits, area code.
Complete resource on how to call Poland: country code, area codes and. dial 011 + 48 + phone number. Not calling from the US or Canada? .. Cell codes.
011 - US exit code; dial first for international calls made from the USA or Canada; 961 - Country Code for Lebanon; phone number. fixed - 7 digits, area code.
011 - US exit code; dial first for international calls made from the USA or Canada; 358 - Country Code for Finland; phone number: fixed - 5 to 12 digits including.
How to call Ghana: country code, area codes, phone books.
How to call Guatemala: country code, area codes, phone books.
Complete resource on how to call Egypt: country code, area codes and more international calling info.. + 20 + phone number. Not calling from the US or Canada? .. fixed - 8 to 9 digits including area code; cell phones - 10 digits, first digit is 1.
Complete resource on how to call Namibia: country code, area codes and more international calling info.. + phone number. Not calling from the US or Canada? .. fixed - 8 or (sometimes) 9 digits, area code included; cell phones - 9 digits.
Complete resource on how to call El Salvador: country code, area codes and more international calling info.. phone number - 8 digits, all fixed numbers start with a 2; US to El Salvador. dialing format for calls to a cell phone: 011 + 503 + 7?